Family constellations
What is Family Constellations?
Family constellations is a group of souls agreeing for
their mind and body to be present in a sacred circle.
The purpose is to tap into the collective, archaic and
ancestral wisdom and energy of humanity, with an
experienced and compassionate facilitator, who is
equipped to hold the space. We all belong to a family soul and that soul desires wholeness. Our ancestors were not equipped with the tools and knowledge that we are now privileged to access. We have the capacity to heal our own issues, as well as clear the way for generations to come. The experience and the new perspective offers a space to find peace and healing in the context of you in your family soul and the greater soul of humanity. This is a profoundly therapeutic, healing modality that may be an alternative to counselling or a complement to the therapeutic process.
“The blood of our ancestors incessantly moves in us and combines with our own to form the unique, unrepeatable being that we are at every turning in our life.” – Rainer Maria Rilke
What’s different about Family Constellations?
•Most people resolve their issue in just one or a few sessions; it is quick and cost effective
•We don’t need the other person(s) in your issue to be present
•We don’t need to know what happened in your issue – just some bare facts
•The resolution often ripples out and effects the other people in your issue, even though they don’t attend
•It is a gentle, sensitive, effective process
•It is an alternative method to traditional counselling, although it can be used in combination with counselling
•We often benefit from participating in others’ constellations
Steve only offers one-one sessions but can refer you to colleagues who host group sessions.