
Next Nature Quest: 29 March - 5 April 2025
Quest Protector Training: 15 - 24 May 2025

Equinox Sweat Lodge Ceremony
Date TBA
Sweat Lodge Ceremony with Steve McKenzie
This sweat lodge has a distinct Australian indigenous flavour with acknowledgement and participation of the energy of the Original People and wildlife of this place. The lodge is an opportunity for deep intention, prayer, release, purification, renewal, healing, gratitude and connection. It is a journey to your inner worlds.
Each of the four rounds has a different intention and you will be guided to connect with yourself, Nature, the unseen realm, to prayer, to surrender, to gratitude.
Where: Dundas near Wivenhoe Dam
Exchange: $80 (soup provided, shower available)
$20 goes to Bush Heritage Aust and Children's Education Foundation, Vietnam
Preparation information will be provided on booking
Bookings essential - phone Steve on 0406 286 727 or email steve@soulpaths.com.au to register
Testimony - "I wanted to write to you today and acknowledge the profound gift that last night was to me. I was/am so touched by the generosity and the depth of the ceremony and space held. I really feel like it was a magical experience, from the fist moment of seeing and feeling the Ancestor rocks come in, let alone when the sparkled! Truly a peak experience for me! I’m feeling centred and present today and find myself dropping into re-accessing the feeling of the warmth from the stones and the shared space going right through me. Thank you for the beautiful and powerful healing, valuable teachings, supportive words, safe space, deep care and nourishing soup :)" - Nicole, Brisbane

Grief Ritual
Date TBA
505 Sim Jue Creek Rd, Dundas
Hello Dear Souls
You are warmly invited to share in a Grief Ritual
What is a Grief Ritual? In this ritual we provide a safe space to share our unprocessed grief. We gain a new vitality when we welcome, rather than fear, the pain of loss. There is an intimate bond between grief and gratitude, sorrow and intimacy. The greatest gifts are often hidden in the things we avoid. We invite you to transform grief into a force that allows us to live and love more fully.
In this ritual we will explain the five doorways to grief - (1) Everything we love, we will lose (2) The places that have not known love (3) The sorrows of the world (4) What we expected and did not receive (5) Ancestral grief (acknowledge Francis Weller). We will then invite you to express your grief into a safe container of 'village'. This is a community similar to the ancient, indigenous ways of this planet. We will provide two altars upon which to express our losses - fire and water.
Sorrow is part of the earth's great cycles, flowing into the night like cool air sinking down a river course. To feel sorrow is to float on the pulse of the earth, the surge from living to dying, from coming into being to ceasing to exist. Maybe this is why the earth has the power over time to wash sorrow into a deeper pool, cold and shadowed. And maybe this is why, even though sorrow never disappears, it can make a deeper connection to the currents of life and so connect, somehow, to sources of wonder and solace - Kathleen Dean Moore
We will provide you with morning tea on arrival at 9.30am and we will conclude with soup and toast around 2pm.
Testimony - "A heartfelt thank you to Steve, Taji and Cat for holding space at the recent Grief Ritual. The love and compassion you shared were second to none. I have learned that the devastation and loss we experience after losing a child has many layers and it changes and is ongoing. Having experienced a massive shift, a game-changer for me, during a Vision Quest, I didn't think there was anything more for me to work through. Ironically, what I experienced at this ritual was what I teach. Grief doesn't get smaller and then leave us; our lives just expand and contract to accommodate the grief. Thank you for empowering me to release a layer of pressure and for allowing me to feel truly held throughout. There are not too many places we can go where we can be ourselves, with no masks, and no protective armour. I recommend this ritual to anyone who has experienced any loss" - Dalya, Narangba
Your Facilitators
Steve McKenzie - Steve helps people remember who they are at a soul level via holding vision quest, sweat lodge, ancestral ceremonies and men's weekends.
Taji (Barb) George - Taji is a holder of Sacred space, a wisdom carrier and a mentor to those on a path of deep remembering. Working with groups and individuals, she facilitates and guides souls in a very grounded way, into truth and freedom from the stories we tell ourselves.
Cat Bednarski - Cat is an earth connection ceremonialist and shamanic space holder walking and working with groups and individuals into truth and belonging.
Date TBA
Cost and Venue:
The exchange is $80 ($20 deposit)
Places are limited and pre-booking is essential
The retreat will be held in a beautiful natural setting at 505 Sim Jue Creek Road, Dundas (near Wivenhoe Dam - 1.5 hours from Brisbane, 2 hours from Sunshine Coast, 1.75 hours from Gold Coast).
Enquiries and registration:
Steve 0406 286 727
Taji 0411 883 040
Cat 0428 452 707
Sat 18 June 2022 - 9.30am - 3pm
505 Sim Jue Creek Rd, Dundas505 Sim Jue Creek Rd, Dundas